If you have ever thought about running your own website then surely one of the biggest drawbacks is “how am I going to run it? what do I need to make it work? And what about email?. A few years ago running a website meant having all kinds of technical skills. Thanks goodness those days are gone thanks to our cPanel hosting which enables you to create and maintain your website with ease. cPanel is the internet’s most widely used graphical hosting control centre. Its web based so you can access it from your browser (such as FireFox, Chrome, Opera etc ) using any computer, mobile phone, tablet or laptop. It even has a Site Publisher to quickly create a website from a set of available templates. This allows visitors to see some basic information while you continue to develop your website. Languages supported include English, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Spanish, German, Russian, Ukrainian & Bulgarian.
eMail. Our hosting service provides full email account software including our MailScanner email spam and anti virus tools, and our WebMail hosting app which means you can access your mail accounts to send and receive email using just your web browser from any internet connected device. Advanced features like creating or editing MX records are also included.
Auto APP installer. Whether you want to start a website, blog, forum or online store our one click script installer ‘Softaculous’ has the right software for your needs. With over 400 FREE Preinstalled scripts and 1115 PHP Classes, our pro version ‘Softaculous’ app installer is included free with all our hosting plans making life much easier by allowing you to easily install any popular application/software without any technical or web hosting knowledge. From AbanteCarte to WordPress to Zen Cart, we have them all!
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) will gives you more control over your available resources compared to shared hosting. Your website and data is placed in a seperate partition on our servers, within which the resources are entirely your own to manage. Our popular Crown VPS deals include SolusVM a powerful user interface based VPS Management Software that allows you to control every aspect of your OpenVZ virtual machine using your web browser, this is in addition to full SSH ( secure shell ) access. More info…..
System Admins are frequently looking to automate tasks like account setup, maintenance of the server, license management and managing server resources. Our cPanel & WHM software provide all the tools and software you need to make automation a very easy process. Extensive documentation is available on WHM or you can submit a support ticket to us should you need help. Pre-installed scripts managed by Softaculous are included with our reseller web hosting making life much easier by allowing your clients to install any popular application or software without any technical knowledge. Whether your clients want to start a website, blog, forum or an online store our one click script installer has the right software for their needs. Over 250 free apps are now available for your clients. Checkout our deals below…